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Conf YearArticleTitleAuthors
2017ViewA Business Multi-Case Study of Change Management in Software Implementation Holtel, Paddock, Reiter, Riley, Havelka
2021ViewTargeted Data Visualization and Reporting Approaches for Vulnerability Management at Enterprise Organizations Painter
2022ViewInfluence of Executive Perception of Role of Information Technology: A financial institution perspective Pandey, Mishra
2020ViewDoes the Executive Perception of the Value of Information Technology (IT) Influence the IT strategy? A Case Study Pandey, Mishra
2018ViewStandardizing Public Utility Data: A Case Study of a Rural Mid-Size Utility Hassler, Cazier, Russell, Mueller, Paprocki
2014ViewIdentifying User Behavior from Residual Data in Cloud-based Synchronized Apps Grispos, Glisson, Pardue, Dickson
2010ViewA Process for Assessing Voting System Risk Using Threat Trees Yasinisac, Pardue
2013ViewPerformance and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Information Technology Industry Cowan, Parzinger, Welch, Welch
2013ViewWeb Recruitment: Parzinger, Ward, Langford
2020ViewDocumenting the Process of Hijacking a Raspberry Pi User Login Credentials via Remote Code Execution Patel, Wimmer, Powell
2017ViewProtecting IoT Devices from the Mirai Botnet Frank, Nance, Jarocki, Pauli
2012ViewUsing the Cloud: The Cost of Encryption in IaaS Cronin, Pauli, Ham
2011ViewUsing the cloud: How to keep your data private Cronin, Pauli, Ham
2022ViewAre Companies Responsible for Internet of Things (IoT) Data Privacy? A Survey of IoT User Perceptions Paullet, Pinchot, Chawdhry
2018ViewUnderstanding Cyberstalking through the Analysis of Student's Online Activity Paullet, Chawdhry
2017ViewWhat’s “Appening” to our Privacy? A Students Perspective on Downloading Mobile Apps Paullet, Chawdhry, Douglas, Compomizzi
2016ViewAre Students Using Security Measures to Protect their Data when Downloading Mobile Applications? Chawdhry, Paullet, Douglas, Compomizzi
2014ViewUse of Preventative Measures to Protect Data Privacy on Mobile Devices Pinchot, Paullet
2013ViewData Privacy: Are We Accidentally Sharing Too Much Information? Chawdhry, Paullet, Douglas
2012ViewCybercrime: The Unintentional Effects of Oversharing Information on Facebook Paullet, Pinchot
2011ViewTalk to Text: Changing Communication Patterns Pinchot, Douglas, Paullet, Rota
2011ViewThe New Tech Effect: Analyzing Juror Credibility Davis, Paullet, Kraeer, Grant
2010ViewHow Mobile Technology is Changing Our Culture Pinchot, Paullet, Rota
2022ViewExploring Short Stay Health Care Quality: Skilled Nursing Facilities during the COVID-19 Era Winston, Xiong, Medlin, Pelaez
2008ViewA Study of the Information Technology Trade between The United States and the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement Nations Pena, Aguirre, Saenz, Koong, Liu
2019ViewGame Theory Through Smartphone App Use In Support of For-Hire Transportation Network Companies Pendergrass
2017ViewPhubbing: Communication in the Attention Economy Pendergrass
2014ViewA Case Study Analysis of KnightSec and the Steubenville Rape Case Pendergrass, Wright
2020ViewEnhancing Learning Analytics: The Rise of Institutional Research Perkins, Ariyachandra
2014ViewOn Adapting a Military Combat Discrete Event Simulation with Big Data and Geospatial Modeling Toward a Predictive Model Ecosystem for Interpersonal Violence Mhlanga, Perry, Kirchner
2022ViewThe Effect of Mental Illness on Compensation for IT Developers Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
2021ViewThe COVID Effect: Information Technology Jobs in the Pandemic Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci, Hunsinger
2020ViewJob and Career Satisfaction of Software Engineers Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
2020ViewOpen Source Software: A Detailed Analysis of Contributions and Quality Peslak, Hunsinger
2019ViewA Longitudinal Study of Google Privacy Policies Peslak, Kovalchick, Conforti
2019ViewWeb Designer or Web Developer? A Detailed Comparison of Job Requirements Peslak
2017ViewFacebook Fanatics: A Linguistic and Sentiment Analysis of the Most “Fanned” Facebook Pages Peslak
2017ViewText Messaging Today: A Longitudinal Study of Variables Influencing Text Messaging from 2009 to 2016 Peslak, Hunsinger, Kruck
2016ViewA Comprehensive Current Review of Text Messaging Usage Peslak, Ceccucci, Hunsinger, Kruck, Sendall
2016ViewSentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Current State of the Art and Review of Google and Yahoo Search Engines’ Privacy Policies Peslak
2015ViewAn Expanded Analysis of Internet Dependencies by Demographic Variables Peslak
2013ViewA Study of Information Technology Operating and Capital Expenditures and Their Effect on Positive Firm Outcomes Peslak
2012ViewAnalysis of the Variables That Affect Frequency of Use and Time Spent on Social Networking Peslak, Sendall, Ceccucci
2011ViewDoes Size Matter in IT? An exploratory analysis of critical issues facing organizations based on company size Peslak
2010ViewA Study of Information Technology Integration Peslak
2010ViewAn Empirical Study of Social Networking Behavior Using Diffusion of Innovation Theory Ceccucci, Peslak, Sendall
2009ViewAn Empirical Study of Text Messaging Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
2009ViewThe Effect of Gender on the Application of Peslak, Krisanda
2008ViewAn Empirical Study of Instant Messaging Behavior Using Diffusion of Innovation Theory Peslak, Ceccucci, Sendall
2017ViewTowards a better understanding of the justification of choice of methods to be mixed in the same intervention during Action Design Research Petkov, Petkova
2016ViewA Multi-Criteria Network Assessment Model of IT Offshoring Risks from Service Provider’s Perspective Petkov, Petkova
2015ViewToward a Better Understanding of Factors Affecting Software Project Complexity Petkova, Petkov
2014ViewA Case Study on Achieving Legitimation in Information Systems Action Research Projects Petkova, Petkov
2013ViewSome Comparisons between SSM and the Activity Analysis and Development (ActAD) framework applied to IS development Petkova, Petkov
2012ViewPossible Lessons for the Field of Information Systems from the Work of Russel Ackoff Petkov, Petkova
2011ViewOn a Systemic Understanding of Software Development Contexts Petkov, Alter, Petkova
2011ViewSocial Networking Systems and Campus Life Sgambato, Petkov, Wolf
2008ViewSome Suggestions for Further Diffusion of Work System Method Ideas in Systems Analysis and Design Petkov, Misra, Petkova
2017ViewTowards a better understanding of the justification of choice of methods to be mixed in the same intervention during Action Design Research Petkov, Petkova
2016ViewA Multi-Criteria Network Assessment Model of IT Offshoring Risks from Service Provider’s Perspective Petkov, Petkova
2015ViewToward a Better Understanding of Factors Affecting Software Project Complexity Petkova, Petkov
2014ViewA Case Study on Achieving Legitimation in Information Systems Action Research Projects Petkova, Petkov
2013ViewSome Comparisons between SSM and the Activity Analysis and Development (ActAD) framework applied to IS development Petkova, Petkov
2012ViewPossible Lessons for the Field of Information Systems from the Work of Russel Ackoff Petkov, Petkova
2011ViewOn a Systemic Understanding of Software Development Contexts Petkov, Alter, Petkova
2009ViewSustainability and Greening through D'Onofrio, Jarmoszko, Lee-Partridge, Petkova
2008ViewSome Suggestions for Further Diffusion of Work System Method Ideas in Systems Analysis and Design Petkov, Misra, Petkova
2013ViewInformation Security in Nonprofits: A First Glance at the State of Security in Two Illinois Regions Imboden, Phillips, Seib, Fiorentino
2012ViewA Portal-Based Web Service Development Using a Mashup Approach Miah, Debuse, Gammack, Pigott
2011ViewThe Effects of Interruptions on Remembering Task Information Lenox, Pilarski, Leathers
2022ViewAre Companies Responsible for Internet of Things (IoT) Data Privacy? A Survey of IoT User Perceptions Paullet, Pinchot, Chawdhry
2020ViewPrivacy Concerns and Data Sharing Habits of Personal Fitness Information Collected via Activity Trackers Pinchot, Cellante
2014ViewUse of Preventative Measures to Protect Data Privacy on Mobile Devices Pinchot, Paullet
2012ViewCybercrime: The Unintentional Effects of Oversharing Information on Facebook Paullet, Pinchot
2011ViewTalk to Text: Changing Communication Patterns Pinchot, Douglas, Paullet, Rota
2010ViewHow Mobile Technology is Changing Our Culture Pinchot, Paullet, Rota
2019ViewAn Empirical Study of Post-Production Software Code Quality When Employing the Agile Rapid Delivery Methodology Poe, Seeman
2019ViewPrivacy Considerations Throughout the Data Life Cycle Pomykalski
2017ViewUsing Systems Analysis and Design to Enhance the Business Understanding Stage in CRISP-DM Pomykalski, Buzydlowski
2020ViewAn International Review and Study on Perceptions of Security, Adoption, and Implementation of Electronic Health Records Aliyu, Wimmer, Powell, Rebman Jr.
2020ViewDocumenting the Process of Hijacking a Raspberry Pi User Login Credentials via Remote Code Execution Patel, Wimmer, Powell
2018ViewEffects of Normalization Techniques on Logistic Regression in Data Science Adeyemo, Wimmer, Powell
2017ViewOpen vs. Close Source Decision Tree Algorithms: Comparing Performance Measures of Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity Khan, Wimmer, Powell
2016ViewPrinciple Component Analysis for Feature Reduction and Data Preprocessing in Data Science Wimmer, Powell
2015ViewA Comparison of Open Source Tools for Data Science Wimmer, Powell
2014ViewCyberbullying or normal game play? Impact of age, gender, and experience on cyberbullying in multi-player online gaming environments: Perceptions from one gaming forum Fryling, Cotler, Rivituso, Mathews, Pratico
2012ViewComparing Performance of Web Service Interaction Styles: SOAP vs. REST Kumar, Ahuja, Umapathy, Prodanoff
2008ViewResearch Design for a Natural Disaster Management Communication System: Nicolai, Puntillo, Bilow