Search by Keyword

Search returned 39 items for : L

KeywordConf YearArticleTitleAuthors
Landfill Gas2019ViewTrash to Treasure: Predicting Landfill Gas Flow to Optimize Electricity Generation Hassler, Emery, Hoyle, Cazier
laws2017ViewInformation Security and Privacy Legislation: Current State and Future Direction Dunlap, Cummings, Janicki
Lead Management Systems2015ViewDriving Inside Sales Performance with Lead Management Systems: A Conceptual Model Ohiomah, Benyoucef, Andreev
leadership2013ViewMicrosoft vs Apple: Which is Great by Choice? Sena, Olsen
Learning analytics2020ViewEnhancing Learning Analytics: The Rise of Institutional Research Perkins, Ariyachandra
Learning outcomes2015ViewExploratory Study of Effects of eLearning System Acceptance on Learning Outcomes Ghosh
Legacy Information Systems2018ViewDelineating Legacy System IT Artifacts – Applying a Systems Thinking-based Framework Stachofsky
legal2011ViewThe New Tech Effect: Analyzing Juror Credibility Davis, Paullet, Kraeer, Grant
legal risk2018ViewCan Social Media Accounts Have an Impact on Hiring Decisions? Guidelines for Appropriate Use Kim, Homan
Legislation2020ViewThe New Frontier in Home and Commercial Deliveries: Drones Fowler, Vannoy, Eggers, Medlin
Legislation2018ViewCommercial Drone Activity: Security, Privacy, and Legislation Issues Vannoy, Medlin
Legitimacy2014ViewA Case Study on Achieving Legitimation in Information Systems Action Research Projects Petkova, Petkov
Legitimation2014ViewA Case Study on Achieving Legitimation in Information Systems Action Research Projects Petkova, Petkov
library space2019ViewAn Exploratory Study of the Perceptions of Library Faculty and Patrons on Library Resources Herman, Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
life cycle model2009ViewComponent-Based Software Development: Life Cycles and Design Science-Based Recommendations Sharp, Ryan
Linguistic analysis2019ViewA Longitudinal Study of Google Privacy Policies Peslak, Kovalchick, Conforti
Linguistic analysis2017ViewFacebook Fanatics: A Linguistic and Sentiment Analysis of the Most “Fanned” Facebook Pages Peslak
Linux2010ViewWhat Influences People to Use Linux? Hunsinger, Fransen
Linux2008ViewComparison of Dynamic Web Content Processing Languages Performance Jafar, Anderson, Abdullat
literary analysis2019ViewLiterary Analysis Tool: Text Analytics for Creative Writers Grimsman, Kline, Vetter, Guinn
Literature Review2020ViewInternet of Things (IoT): An Analysis of the Research Jourdan, Corley, Ryan, Anderson
LIWC2019ViewA Longitudinal Study of Google Privacy Policies Peslak, Kovalchick, Conforti
LIWC2017ViewFacebook Fanatics: A Linguistic and Sentiment Analysis of the Most “Fanned” Facebook Pages Peslak
LIWC2017ViewIT Audit Literature: A Future-Looking Research Agenda Klinkenborg, Streff, Nzailu
local exchange carriers2008ViewThe Impact of Technology Diffusion on Employment and Compensation: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector Clark, Moussawi
Localization2021ViewInternationalization and Localization for Web and Mobile Applications Wang, Chung, Yoon
Location Privacy2012ViewEvolving Mobile Architectures: A Case Study in the Development of a Location Privacy Application Babb, Dana, Keith, Jafar
location-based services2012ViewEvolving Mobile Architectures: A Case Study in the Development of a Location Privacy Application Babb, Dana, Keith, Jafar
location-based services2011ViewPay-What-You-Want Pricing for Mobile Applications: The Effect of Privacy Assurances and Social Information Racherla, Keith, Babb
Logistic regression2022ViewData Analytics for Societal Challenges: Understanding Student Participation in the National School Lunch Program Northey, Desai
Logistic regression2018ViewEffects of Normalization Techniques on Logistic Regression in Data Science Adeyemo, Wimmer, Powell
Logistics2020ViewThe New Frontier in Home and Commercial Deliveries: Drones Fowler, Vannoy, Eggers, Medlin
Long-running Conversations2014ViewReview of Web Service Specifications for Long-running Conversations Rana, Umapathy
lossy compression2019ViewThe Use of Tainted Flows in Network Compression for Distributed Network Intrusion Detection Smith, Hammell II
lossy compression2016ViewProposal for Kelly Criterion-Inspired Lossy Network Compression for Network Intrusion Applications Smith, Hammell II
Low-Code Development Platform2022ViewA Predictive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Maintenance Method: Using Low-Code and Cloud-Based Data Visualization Kim, Chung, Ju, Maeng
Loyalty2018ViewImprove the Loyalty of Mobile Payment Users in China by Increasing the Fit between Skill, Technology and Task Chen, Choi, Xiong, Tang
Lyft2019ViewGame Theory Through Smartphone App Use In Support of For-Hire Transportation Network Companies Pendergrass