Search by Keyword - EDSIGCon Proceedings

Please note the manuscripts 2015 and afer reflect EDSIGcon Proceedings which were published by ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals)

Search returned 56 items for : H

KeywordConf YearArticleTitleAuthors
Hacking2015ViewThe Case for Inclusion of Competitive Teams in Security Education Serapiglia
hacking competition2019ViewLizards in the Street! Introducing Cybersecurity Awareness in a Digital Literacy Context Frydenberg, Lorenz
HADOOP2018ViewIntegrating Big Data Analytics into an Undergraduate Information Systems Program using Hadoop Podeschi, DeBo
hallucination2024ViewRAG Chatbot for Healthcare related prompts using Amazon Bedrock Richard-Ojo, Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Halstead2024ViewA Study of Software Metrics, Student Learning, and Systems Development Analytics Kinnett, Clark
Hama22024ViewRAG Chatbot for Healthcare related prompts using Amazon Bedrock Richard-Ojo, Wimmer, Rebman Jr.
Hands-on learning2015ViewTeaching Information Systems Courses in China: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons for US Educators Fryling, Rivituso
happiness2023ViewInvestigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
harassment2015ViewA Perception Study of Bullying Prevalence in the Information Systems Profession Molluzzo, Lawler
hard skills2024ViewCareer Readiness of Recent Graduates in the Era of Digital Transformation: Insights from Multi-Level Focus Groups Kim, Jones, Lang, Raider, Sheikh, Simione
HCI2017ViewActive Learning and Formative Assessment in a User-Centered Design Course Adkins
health2017ViewCyber Wellness: A Liberal Studies Course in Higher Education ONeil
health belief model,2023ViewPhishing: Gender Differences in Email Security Perceptions and Behaviors Du, Kalafut, Schymik
Health care2023ViewExamining Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Mohammed, Lind
Health information technology2019ViewDesign and Development of Hands-on EHR Usability Analysis through Open Source Tools and Resources Shahriar, Zhang
health sector2015ViewA Big Data Analytics Methodology Program in the Health Sector Lawler, Joseph, Howell-Barber
healthcare analytics2023ViewAnalytics for an Audience of Healthcare Professionals: Curriculum Design and Student Perceptions Xu, Garfield
healthcare analytics2023ViewResilience During Times of Disruption: The Role of Data Analytics in a Healthcare System Pohana, Ariyachandra
healthcare analytics2019ViewA Pedagogic Experience in Designing a Healthcare Analytics Course: A Contextual Active Learning Approach Parks
healthcare professionals2023ViewAnalytics for an Audience of Healthcare Professionals: Curriculum Design and Student Perceptions Xu, Garfield
Help-Seeking2021ViewThe Role of Task Value and Online Learning Strategies in an Introductory Computer Programming Course Menon
High education2024ViewPhenomenological study of Generative AI in Higher Education as Perceived by Academics Linden, Yuan, Mendoza
high performance computing2017ViewLow-cost Cluster Computing Using Raspberry Pi with Mathematica Jacobus, Podeschi
high school chemistry2017ViewComputational thinking and application – a cross-curricular approach to teach computer science in high school chemistry classrooms Fathi, Hildreth
higher ed tutor2018ViewPeer Tutors: To Embed or Not to Embed Kunene
Higher Education2024ViewUnderstanding the Influence of Typeface Design on Student Engagement in the Online Classroom Louch, Ferguson, Bhatnagar
Higher Education2023ViewComparing Student Satisfaction in a Master's Data Analytics Program, Based on Related Employment Stewart, Davis
Higher Education2021ViewSkills Infusion in Information Technology Education Hua, Davison, Gondi
Higher Education2020ViewMobile Technology in Higher Education:: an Extended Technology Acceptance Perspective Pires, Halawi
Higher Education2017ViewAdministrative or Faculty Control of Online Course Development and Teaching: A Comparison of Three Institutions Tannehill, Serapiglia, Guiler
Higher Education2017ViewInformation and Communication Technology in the Classroom: BYOD and the University’s Role Davis, Kohun
Higher Education2017ViewThe Urgency for Innovation: A Case Study on Cybersecurity Education Convergence of High School and Higher Education in Rural Communities Nakama, Paullet
Higher Education2016ViewStudent Veterans’ Shared Experience Using Social Media in Higher Education: A Pilot Study with a Hybrid Phenomenological Data Analysis Method Marsilio
Higher Education2015ViewFacebook's Impact on Higher Education Classes: An Empirical Study Duncan , Barczyk
hirable IT skills2015ViewA Topic Analysis of ISECON Conference Proceedings from 1982 through 2014 Clark, Athey, Plotnicki, Barnes
Hitozukuri2019ViewRedefining “Monozukuri” and “Hitozukuri” in the Context of Information Technology Education Thiptarajan, Lertrusdachakul, Mahatanankoon
Hospitality industry2016ViewHow Much Time Do Students Spend On Programming Assignments? Segall
hour of code2018ViewHour of Code: A Study of Gender Differences in Computing Du, Wimmer
hour of code2017View“Hour of Code”: A Case Study Du, Wimmer, Rada
Howard Gardner2017ViewDelivering Multiple-Intelligence driven Instruction: Facebook as Indicators of Multiple Intelligence Simmonds
HTML 2016ViewCloud-based Versus Local-based Web Development Pike, Pittman, Hwang
HTML 2015ViewWooden Peg Game: Implementations as Both a Web App and as an Android App Martincic
human computer interaction2017ViewActive Learning and Formative Assessment in a User-Centered Design Course Adkins
human development index2023ViewInvestigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
Human factors2017ViewPracticing the Concept of Fit in a Human-Computer Interaction Classroom Through Paper Prototyping Scialdone, Connolly
Human resources2024ViewUsing Topic Modeling to Discover Reasons for Employee Attrition Lee, Algarra
Human Resources Management2017View“What Gets Measured, Gets Managed” - The Wells Fargo Account Opening Scandal Witman
human-computer interaction2022ViewA Review of Immersive Virtual Reality in Special Education Li, Li, Zhang
human-computer interaction2017ViewPracticing the Concept of Fit in a Human-Computer Interaction Classroom Through Paper Prototyping Scialdone, Connolly
Human-Computer Interaction Education2016ViewA Creative Approach to Devising Non-Technical, Meaningful Exercises in Human-Computer Interaction Undergraduate Education Scialdone, Connolly
hybrid2016ViewEmpowering Students to Actively Learn Systems Analysis and Design: The Success of an Entrepreneurial Project in a Hybrid Learning Environment Wong
hybrid2015ViewThe Success (or not) of the Unprepared Student in a Blended Learning Environment in Higher Education ONeil
hybrid learning2021ViewThe COVID-19 Effect: Have Students Changed Perceptions on Online Education? Peslak, Wang, Kovacs, Kovalchick
hybrid learning2020ViewEffectiveness of Educational Delivery Modes: A Study in Computer Information Systems Peslak, Kovalchick, Kovacs, Wang
hybrid learning2017ViewAttitudes Toward Course Delivery: A Multi-University Study of Online, On-ground, And Hybrid Instruction Kovacs, Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang
Hybrid Teaching2021ViewExperience of Teaching Defensive Cybersecurity in Hybrid Mode Gondi, Hua

Search by Keyword - Joint ISECON Proceedings

Please note the manuscripts below reflect the 1999 to 2014 ISECON Proceedings which were published by EDSIG, the Education Special Interest Group of AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals, Chicago, Illinois) and the Foundation for Information Technology Education (FITE).

Search returned 49 items for : H

KeywordConf YearArticleTitleAuthors
Hands-on learning2013ViewCreating a Virtualized Environment for Large-Scale Hands-On IA Education Cronin, Pauli, Ham
Hands-on learning2012ViewBuilding a Cybersecurity Workforce with Remote Labs Martin, Woodward
harassment2011ViewA Study of the Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Molluzzo, Lawler
harassment by communication2012ViewRaising Awareness: Education is the Key to Understanding Cyberbullying Paullet, Chawdhry
Hardware2010ViewCreating and Using a Computer Networking and Systems Administration Laboratory Built Under Relaxed Financial Constraints Conlon, Mullins
Hardware2008ViewComputer Security Implementation Roadmap - How to Implement Computer Security Moskal
Hardware/software co-design2008ViewA FPGA Paint Brush Application Edwards, Courtney, YANG
HBCU2010ViewCulturally Sensitive IS Teaching: Lessons Learned to Manage Motivation Issues Chen
HCI2014ViewIncorporating a Human-Computer Interaction Course into Software Development Curriculums Janicki, Cummings, Healy
health2013ViewEntrepreneurial Health Informatics for Computer Science and Information Systems Students Lawler, Joseph, Narula
Health care2014ViewCybersecurity Curriculum Development: Introducing Specialties in a Graduate Program Bicak, Liu, Murphy
Health Informatics2013ViewEntrepreneurial Health Informatics for Computer Science and Information Systems Students Lawler, Joseph, Narula
Health Informatics2011ViewHealth Informatics as an ABET-CAC Accreditable IS Program Landry, Daigle, Pardue, Longenecker, Campbell
Health Informatics2011ViewTreating the Healthcare Workforce Crisis: Campbell, Pardue, Longenecker, Barnett, Landry
health information systems2012ViewDeveloping a Bachelor’s Program in Health Information Technology Howard, Bishop-Clark, Evans, Rose
health information systems2010ViewIntegrating Health Information Systems Into a Database Course: A Case Study Anderson, Zhang, McMaster
Health information technology2014ViewExploring the Implications of Technology Acceptance Models for Sensor-based Global Health Technologies Ajani
Health IT2012ViewDeveloping a Bachelor’s Program in Health Information Technology Howard, Bishop-Clark, Evans, Rose
Healthcare and IT2011ViewTreating the Healthcare Workforce Crisis: Campbell, Pardue, Longenecker, Barnett, Landry
healthcare informatics curriculum2014ViewThe Landscape of Healthcare Informatics Programs in the United States: an Updated Survey MacKellar
Healthcare information technology2014ViewThe Landscape of Healthcare Informatics Programs in the United States: an Updated Survey MacKellar
Healthcare Systems Management Curricula2014ViewThe Landscape of Healthcare Informatics Programs in the United States: an Updated Survey MacKellar
Herbal2009ViewEvaluating Design: A Formative Evaluation of Agent Development Environments Used For Teaching Rule-Based Programming Cohen, Ritter, Haynes
high performance computing2010ViewA Novel and Efficient Introduction to Clustering using a Englander
High School Students2008ViewIdentifying Influencers in High School Student ICT Career Choice Babin, Grant, Sawal
Higher Education2012ViewA Systematic Approach to Faculty Development - Capability Improvement for Blended Learning Badawood, Steenkamp, Al-Werfalli
Higher Education2012ViewCyberbullying Presence, Extent, and Forms in a Smith, Yoon
Higher Education2011ViewA Case Study: Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Computer Science and Technology Lester, Bennett
Higher Education2010ViewDeveloping Information Systems Education in a Network – Lessons Learned from a R&D Project Melin, Axelsson
Higher Education2010ViewLecture Capturing utilising Enhanced Podcasts Ehlers
Higher Education2010ViewThe Greening of the Information Systems Curriculum Sendall, Lester, Peslak, Saulnier
Higher Education2009ViewCloud Computing and its Security in Higher Education Tout, Sverdlik, Lawver
Higher Education2009ViewDeveloping a Smart Phone MBA Program McGraith, White
Higher Education2009ViewIn pursuit of quality in the business curriculum – an Exploratory Study of Continuous Process Improvement Practices in Higher Education Ziyadeh, White
Higher Education2008ViewThe Complexities of Effectively Teaching Client-Server System Development Stillman, Peslak
higher-order learning skills2013ViewInterdisciplinary IT: An Expanded Approach Fahy, McAleer, Precourt, Szakas
higher-order learning skills2009ViewComputer Literacy and Non-IS majors Thomas, Blackwood
History of CIS2012ViewComputer Information Systems: A Research Plan to Identify Origins and Destination Clark, Plotnicki, Longenecker, Feinstein
HIT2012ViewDeveloping a Bachelor’s Program in Health Information Technology Howard, Bishop-Clark, Evans, Rose
honor societies2008ViewProblems with Assessing On-line and Non-Traditional Programs for Accreditation Roggio, Comer
hostility2013ViewA Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions of Cyberbullying Molluzzo, Lawler
HTML 2008ViewThe Living Web: Successful Pedagogy and Challenges Kraft, Kakish
human computer interaction2014ViewIncorporating a Human-Computer Interaction Course into Software Development Curriculums Janicki, Cummings, Healy
human-computer interaction2010ViewIntegrating Statistical Visualization Research into the Political Science Classroom Draper, Liu, Riesenfeld
human-computer interaction2008ViewUsing Low-Fidelity Prototyping to Teach the Basics of Interface Design Schultz
hybrid2011ViewBehind the Final Grade in Hybrid v. Traditional Courses: Comparing Student Performance by Assessment Type, Core Competency, and Course Objective Bain
hybrid classes2010ViewIs there a Student ‘Disconnect?’ First-year Hybrid Class Teachers’ Observations and Recommendations for Improving Student Engagement in Information Systems Classes Parris, Beaver, Nickels, Crabtree
hybrid learning2013ViewClone Yourself: Using Screencasts in the Classroom to Work with Students One-on-One Lang, Ceccucci
Hybrid vs. Traditional2011ViewAnalysis of the Effectiveness of Traditional Versus Hybrid Student Performance for An Introductory Computing Course Kakish, Pollacia, Heinz