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Search returned 70 items for : F

KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
face-to-face instruction2023ViewOnliners versus On-grounders in Computer and Information Systems Courses in Higher Education: A Two-Step Cluster Analysis Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang, Kovacs
Face-to-face teaching2009ViewThe Results of Online Teaching: A Case Study Sagheb-Tehrani
Facebook2017ViewFacebook Enhanced College Courses and the Impact of Personality on Sense of Classroom Community Barczyk, Duncan
Facebook2016ViewFacebook's Effect on Learning in Higher Education: An Empirical Investigtion Duncan , Barczyk
Facebook2012ViewAdjunct Communication Methods Outside the Classroom: A Longitudinal Look Serapiglia
facilitation2011ViewReal World Projects, Real World Problems: Reinicke, Janicki
Faculty2022ViewHow the COVID-19 Shutdown Impacted Student Grades at the Collegiate Level Chawdhry, Paullet, Baugh, Nakama
Faculty2013ViewA Comprehensive Survey on Cyberbullying Perceptions at a Major Metropolitan University – Faculty Perspectives Molluzzo, Lawler, Manneh
Faculty2010ViewChallenges in Delivering Distance Education Chawdhry
Faculty2009ViewAssessment of Student Outcomes in Management Information Systems Online Course Participation Omar, Kalulu, Bhutta
Faculty assessment2010ViewMeasuring Faculty Instructional Performance Tastle
Faculty attitudes2009ViewFrom “Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side” Revisited: Saulnier
faculty control2018ViewAdministrative or Faculty Control of Online Course Development and Teaching: A Comparison of Three Institutions Tannehill, Serapiglia, Guiler
Faculty development2013ViewA Systematic Approach to Faculty Development Towards Improved Capability in Tertiary Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment Badawood, Steenkamp, Al-Werfalli
Faculty Learning Communities2020ViewLearning How to Teach: The Case for Faculty Learning Communities Gomillion, Becker, George, Scialdone
faculty perception2013ViewAntecedents of Adopting e-Learning: Toward a Model of Academic e-Learning Acceptance Culture Kamali
Fair Use2012ViewA Case Study: Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Computer Science and Technology Lester, Bennett
Familiarity2017ViewComparing Student Interaction in Asynchronous Online Discussions and in Face-to-Face Settings: Javadi, Gebauer, Novotny
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)2020ViewBroadband Connectivity In “Flyover Country” McCoy
Feedback2012ViewMultiple Submissions and their Impact on the ‘Path of Learning’ Gebauer, Janicki, Clark
Feedback2011ViewImpact of pre-grading / resubmission Janicki, Gebauer, Clark
Feedback2011ViewTowards an Innovative Web-based Lab Delivery System for a Management Information Systems Course Breimer, Cotler, Yoder
Female2010ViewFactors Affecting Women’s Decisions to Pursue an IS Degree: A Case Study Serapiglia, Lenox
FIFO2010ViewA Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
financial industry2017ViewBig Data Analytics Methodology in the Financial Industry Lawler, Joseph
financial technology2024ViewInvestigating FinTech Education and Training in Australian Universities Poon, Wibowo, Grandhi, Tang
fintech2024ViewInvestigating FinTech Education and Training in Australian Universities Poon, Wibowo, Grandhi, Tang
First Order Logic Semantics2014ViewEducational Software for First Order Logic Semantics in Introductory Logic Courses Mauco, Ferrante, Felice
first principles of design2017ViewGrounding IS Design Education in the First Principles of a Designerly Way of Knowing Waguespack, Babb
first programming language2010ViewA Study of the Programming Languages Used in Information Systems and Computer Science Curricula Russell, Russell, Tastle, Pollacia
first year seminar2024ViewTeaching the Metaverse: Applying TPACK to a Multidisciplinary First Year Seminar Course Design Frydenberg, Yates, Noonan
First-Generation-College-Bound2018ViewData Analytics Workshop Series for Non-Computing Major First-Generation-College-Bound Students Chung
First-Year College Students2024ViewAre Tech Savvy Students Tech Literate? Digital and Data Literacy Skills of First-Year College Students Mentzer, Frydenberg, Patterson
First-Year College Students2023ViewDigitally Prepared for Success? Technology Skills of Incoming First-Year College Students McCarron, Frydenberg
First-year earnings2021ViewCurriculum? Shmurriculum! The Relationship Between Major Curriculum Characteristics and First-Year Earnings for Information Systems Graduates Lang, Sharp
First-year experience2023ViewImplementing a First-Year Experience Course for IT Majors Woods
Flash2016ViewThemed Learning with Music and Technology Smarkusky, Toman
Flexible IS Program2012ViewCIS Program Redesign Driven By IS2010 Model: Surendran, Amer, Schwieger
Flip learning2014ViewFlipping Introduction to MIS for a Connected World Law
Flipped classroom2017ViewInvestigating Student Resistance and Student Perceptions of Course Quality and Instructor Performance in a Flipped Information Systems Classroom Baker, Hill
Flipped classroom2016ViewFull Flip, Half Flip and No Flip: Breimer, Fryling, Yoder
Flipped classroom2015ViewThe Flipped Classroom in Saulnier
Flipped classroom2014ViewClone Yourself: Using Screencasts in the Classroom to Work with Students One-on-One Lang, Ceccucci
Flipped classroom2014ViewRelevance of Student Resources Adkins
Flipped classroom2013ViewFlipping Excel Frydenberg
Flow Chart2022ViewAn Approach for Ushering Logistic Regression Early in Introductory Analytics Courses Kunene, Toskin
Flow Diagram2022ViewAn Approach for Ushering Logistic Regression Early in Introductory Analytics Courses Kunene, Toskin
Flowchart2024ViewCheating Better with ChatGPT: A Framework for Teaching Students When to Use ChatGPT and other Generative AI Bots Firth, Derendinger, Triche
Flowchart2021ViewFlow Through Regression: A Guide to Interpreting and Communicating Regression Models for Data Analytic Students Toskin, Kunene
focus group2024ViewWhat’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
focus group2020ViewStudent Perceptions of Challenges and Role of Mentorship in Cybersecurity Careers: Addressing the Gender Gap Pinchot, Cellante, Mishra, Paullet
focus group,2014ViewGender Rationales and Success Factors in Assessing and Selecting a Major in Information Technology at the Undergraduate Level of a University Program: A Focus Group Approach Mishra, Draus, Caputo, Leone, Kohun, Repack
folklore-based learning2020ViewUsing Folklore, Fables, and Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool in Assessment Exams Humpherys, Babb
food insecure2024ViewA Pragmatic Approach to Investigating the Digital Existence of Food Bank Users Dalat Ward, Ward, Lester
forensics2010ViewCyber Forensics and Security as an Wood, Kohun, Ali, Paullet, Davis
Formative assessment2018ViewActive Learning and Formative Assessment in a User-Centered Design Course Adkins
Formative assessment2015ViewThe Flipped Classroom in Saulnier
foundations2022ViewA Topical Examination of the Introduction to Information Systems Course Slonka, Bhatnagar
Foundations of Information systems2011ViewSystems in the Foundations of Information Sys-tems Course to Retain Students and to Support the IS 2010 Model Curricula Slauson, Carpenter, Snyder
FPGA-based design2009ViewA FPGA Paint Brush Application Edwards, Courtney, YANG
Fragmented Learning2024ViewExamining Factors Predicting Programming Self-Efficacy for Computer Information Systems Students Abdunabi, Nyambe, Hbaci
Framework2024ViewCheating Better with ChatGPT: A Framework for Teaching Students When to Use ChatGPT and other Generative AI Bots Firth, Derendinger, Triche
Framework2012ViewProblem Solving Frameworks for Mathematics and Software Development McMaster, Sambasivam, Blake
Framework2012ViewSoftware Engineering Frameworks: Textbooks vs. Student Perceptions McMaster, Hadfield, Wolthuis, Sambasivam
Framework2009ViewTwo Frameworks for Discrete Mathematics McMaster, Rague, Hadfield
free textbook2010ViewProgramming Proficiency in One Semester: Lessons Learned Colton, Curtis
Freshman Experience2016ViewAcclimating Students to Technology Frydenberg, VanderClock
functional model2015ViewA Systems Analysis and Design Case for a Business Modeling Learning Experience for a Capstone Advanced CIS/IS Systems Development Class Russell, Russell
fundraising2012ViewBeyond the Bake Sale: Snyder, Carpenter, Slauson, Skinner, Nash
future of work2022ViewUpskilling and Reskilling for the Future of Work: A Typology of Digital Skills Initiatives Lang, Triantoro