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Search returned 16 items for : J

KeywordYear PubArticleTitleAuthors
Java2019ViewSoftware Concepts Emphasized In Introductory Programming Textbooks McMaster, Rague, Sambasivam, Wolthuis
Java2017ViewJava vs. Python Coverage of Introductory Programming Concepts: A Textbook Analysis McMaster, Sambasivam, Rague, Wolthuis
Java2016ViewA Longitudinal Analysis of the Reid List of First Programming Languages Siegfried, Siegfried, Alexandro
Java2016ViewFull Flip, Half Flip and No Flip: Breimer, Fryling, Yoder
Java2013ViewAn Interdisciplinary Learning Experience: The Creation of a Robot Dance Smarkusky, Toman
Java2012ViewWhatever Happened to Richard Reid’s List of First Programming Languages? Siegfried, Greco, Miceli, Siegfried
Java2010ViewA Study of the Programming Languages Used in Information Systems and Computer Science Curricula Russell, Russell, Tastle, Pollacia
JavaScript2016ViewWooden Peg Game: Implementations as Both a Web App and as an Android App Martincic
job2012ViewPreparing for a Career as a Network Engineer Morris, Fustos, Haga
Job Characteristics2014ViewInvestigating a 21st Century Paradox: As the Demand for Technology Jobs Increases Why Are Fewer Students Majoring in Information Systems? Burns, Gao, Sherman, Vengerov, Klein
job description2018ViewConnecting the Dots and Nodes: A Survey of Skills Requested by Employers for Network Administrators Morris, Fustos, Haga
job description analysis2024ViewData Analytics Position Description Analysis: Skills Review and Implications for Data Analytics Curricula Booker, Rebman Jr., Wimmer, Levkoff, Powell, Breese
job opportunities2017ViewMicrosoft Excel®: Is It An Important Job Skill for College Graduates? Formby, Medlin, Ellington
Job placement2017ViewIncreasing Student / Corporate Engagement Janicki, Cummings
Job satisfaction2022ViewComparison of Information Technology Professionals’ Perception of Job Satisfaction and Inclusion by Gender: Insights for Recruitment and Retention of Female Students Schultz, Adams
justifying information systems2010ViewInformation Systems Education: What’s missing? Rosenthal